My old buddy and coproducer Lij (now of The Toy Box in Nashville) has landed a job supervising music for an independent documentary film called Divorcing God, directed by Maggie Sargent and Louis Gurgitano. The film probes the experiences of committed Christians who get divorced and how that changes their relationships with their faiths and their home churches.
"Divorcing God weaves through the emotional and spiritual journeys of born-again Christian divorcees that suffered discrimination at the hands of their congregations and church family for disobeying God’s desire for their marriage," says the film site.
Lij's wife, Joy, is one of the subjects, speaking about her previous marriage and divorce. Click on her picture on the Photos page of the film site for a little slide show in which Lij pops up.
"Divorcing God weaves through the emotional and spiritual journeys of born-again Christian divorcees that suffered discrimination at the hands of their congregations and church family for disobeying God’s desire for their marriage," says the film site.
Lij's wife, Joy, is one of the subjects, speaking about her previous marriage and divorce. Click on her picture on the Photos page of the film site for a little slide show in which Lij pops up.
Lij has invited me to submit material for the film. Here are some possibilities, brother. I'll try to think of more.
Free mp3s
Free mp3s
"Bye, Bye My Darling"
Bascom Lamar Lunsford
"Short Life in Trouble"
Bascom Lamar Lunsford
"Those Born After Me"
(Fuller, King, Lij, Minkoff)
Eleanor Roosevelt
(Fuller, King, Lij)
Eleanor Roosevelt
"Breakup Dress"
(Heidi Dean)
The Honey Shakers
(Chuck Reinhardt)
Chuck Reinhardt
"Someday Among Flowers"
(Russell Hoke)
Russell Hoke
Note: I am bootblogging Heidi, Chuck and Russell, and their songs belong to them and to music, not to me or to you (though you can borrow them!). The Bascom Lamar Lunsford recordings have been licensed from the Library of Congress by Locust Music (Chicago) for a boxed set I am producing. Rights reserved. Lij will have to work out arrangements with these folks if he wants any of that stuff.
Lij plans to begin audio editting on Feb 1. Do you want to be in movies? Or at least to have your song in a movie? Then email Lij at lij@thetoyboxstudio.com. All use of songs in the film at this point would be free, non-exclusive festival film licensing with a chance to make money if the film goes to the next level. (Yes, the dreaded exposure gig.)
More free mp3s in this series
Bootblogging #1: Three by The Lettuce Heads
Bootblogging #2: Three elegies for local musicians
Bootblogging #3: Michael Shannon Friedman
Bootblogging #4: Three more by The Lettuce Heads
Bootblogging #5: Chuck Reinhardt's guitar circle hits
Bootblogging #6: The silly side of The Lettuce Heads
Bascom Lamar Lunsford
"Short Life in Trouble"
Bascom Lamar Lunsford
"Those Born After Me"
(Fuller, King, Lij, Minkoff)
Eleanor Roosevelt
(Fuller, King, Lij)
Eleanor Roosevelt
"Breakup Dress"
(Heidi Dean)
The Honey Shakers
(Chuck Reinhardt)
Chuck Reinhardt
"Someday Among Flowers"
(Russell Hoke)
Russell Hoke
Note: I am bootblogging Heidi, Chuck and Russell, and their songs belong to them and to music, not to me or to you (though you can borrow them!). The Bascom Lamar Lunsford recordings have been licensed from the Library of Congress by Locust Music (Chicago) for a boxed set I am producing. Rights reserved. Lij will have to work out arrangements with these folks if he wants any of that stuff.
Lij plans to begin audio editting on Feb 1. Do you want to be in movies? Or at least to have your song in a movie? Then email Lij at lij@thetoyboxstudio.com. All use of songs in the film at this point would be free, non-exclusive festival film licensing with a chance to make money if the film goes to the next level. (Yes, the dreaded exposure gig.)
More free mp3s in this series
Bootblogging #1: Three by The Lettuce Heads
Bootblogging #2: Three elegies for local musicians
Bootblogging #3: Michael Shannon Friedman
Bootblogging #4: Three more by The Lettuce Heads
Bootblogging #5: Chuck Reinhardt's guitar circle hits
Bootblogging #6: The silly side of The Lettuce Heads
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