A regular reader of my little spot o' blog here, a pretty girl (= beautiful woman) who works for Congressman Clay, has contributed further to my bragging rights as a "professional artist."
Having missed my first-ever art show, Dawn Fuller called and asked if anyone had bought my sketch "Inarticulate Jock at Local IHOP." I indicated that it was still on the market.
She asked what it would cost. I said $5, or one pint of quality draft beer. She said she should give me $10. I said we would accept $10. A lunch date was arranged.
At lunch yesterday, she said she would have to pay for our meal on credit, since she had no cash on hand. I said I would accept lunch in lieu of payment for my sketch, in the time-honored tradition of singing (or sketching) for your supper.
Given that I had a beet salad, fried green tomato BLT and that pint of quality beer, a home economist will note that in accepting lunch in lieu of payment, I in effect bid up my sketch well above the $10 agreed upon fee. One would need to consult Dawn's credit card statement to learn what now becomes the most I have ever been paid for a work of my "art".
I sketched this pretty girl, of course, while we were eating. Since my sketches are very poor indicators of what my subjects look like, and since it is good for my market value to promote the fact that very pretty girls are buying my stuff, I insisted on photographing her with her iPhone. She kindly transmitted that image today so I could show the world the kind of company my sketches of inarticulate jocks are keeping.
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