Friday, August 22, 2008

Fun with Missouri Supreme Court job applications!

I bet we've all filled out a few job applications before, but not many of us ever get to the point where we can apply for the job of Missouri Supreme Court justice and be taken seriously.

With Rush Limbaugh's cousin Stephen Limbaugh Jr. moving on and up to the federal courts, there is an open spot on Missouri's big bench. The Missouri Non-Partisan Court Plan involves a juried, expert/peer review process that limits governors from stacking the bench with their buddies and backers and judicial henchmen.

The Appellate Judicial Commission has done its work toward filling this vacancy, and it has now told Gov. Matt Blunt, "Put in any of these three, Coach, they are ready to play."

In alphabetical order, the panel of nominees consists of the Honorable Zel M. Fischer,
the Honorable Lisa White Hardwick, and the Honorable Ronald R. Holliger.
Supreme Court of Missouri Communications Counsel Beth S. Riggert being the diligent, "let in the Sunshine Law" kind of professional she is, the job applications for these three Supreme wannabes (and, apparently, deserve-to-bes) are now online in the public record, posted as PDFs.

I'd like to encourage folks to click on those PDFs of Supreme job applications, and to play governor for the day. Which judge would you pick for the big bench? Mel, Lisa, or Ronald? Fischer, White Hardwick, or Holliger? Feel free to leave your picks as a comment to this post by clicking on the pencil icon below.

And, as we all go forward into that cold career world, and anticipate our own job applications and cover letters of the future, please keep in mind the immortal story "The Job Application," by the great Swiss writer Robert Walser, which begins, hat in hand:

"I am a poor, young, unemployed person in the business field, my name is Wenzel, I am seeking a suitable position, and I take the liberty of asking you, nicely and politely, if perhaps in your airy, bright, amiable rooms such a position might be free. I know that your good firm is large, proud, old, and rich, thus I may yield to the pleasing supposition that a nice, easy, pretty little place would be available, into which, as into a kind of warm cubbyhole, I can slip."

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